




This policy identifies the steps, expectations, requirements and responsibilities of obtaining to Ordination.  The purpose is to establish the high standards and excellence of a calling to the service of the Lord.

A.    Called
Recognizing someone with a high degree of motivation for ministry service, realizing that God has made room for the gift.  Upon the expressed desire of the individual to pursue the calling, the first of several mentors would be assigned.

B.    Commissioned
Upon successful completion of eighteen months of training, the applicant would be considered for Commissioning.  In additional to training by mentors, the individual would begin involvement in field experience.

C.    Certified (Licensed)
Following the accomplishment of outlined study, field experience, and demonstrated ministry ability, the individual will receive a License which provides legal authority to perform the functions of a practicing minister; i.e., marriages, funerals, baptisms, etc.  The period of time in which to complete this portion of study, field experience and practice would be one year.

D.    Completed (Ordained)
Once the individual has met all the study, experience and practical training, and has been deemed competent and responsible, Harmony will provide documentation that his requirements have been met for completion and the individual is eligible for Ordination in his local church.

Harmony International Ministries has adopted the Situational Leadership model as published by Blanchard Training and Development, Inc.  This training matrix leads the individual through developmental stages in their progression toward ordination.  The identified stages require different mentoring skills:
A.  Called

Strengths:  Enthusiasm, commitment, open to training, willingness, evidence of a servant’s heart, new ideas

Needs:  Clear direction, bible studies, rewards for behavior and skill, immediate/frequent feedback, to know where they fit

Mentor Style:  Identify desired outcomes, goals and timelines; develop a plan for the individual to learn new skills; define what a good job looks like and how performance will be tracked and monitored; provide specific direction and instruction; take the lead in problem solving; acknowledge the individual’s transferable skills and progress to date; and provide frequent follow-up and feedback


Strengths:  Value added, better understanding of the Bible, see roadblocks in their progress (doctrinal issues), and will question the value of a task or action (have begun thinking for themselves)

Needs:  Direction, coaching, the whys, practical experience, encouragement on progress, feedback

Mentor Style:  Involve the individual in identifying and setting goals; listen (offer opportunity to discuss concerns and share ideas); involve individual in problem-solving and decision-making; provide direction and coaching to continue building and refining skills; include in field ministry or mission trips; provide support, reassurance and praise; make final decisions about action plans after listening to the individual’s ideas and feelings; continue to provide frequent follow-up and feedback

C.  Certified (Licensed)

Strengths:  Experienced, good performer, lessons already learned, predicts outcomes, able to write and deliver sermons, provide counseling people in times of grief, pre-marriage, family difficulties, and able to perform ceremonies, demonstrates and ability to encourage and inspire people, active in a proper prayer life, ability to lead

Needs:  Motivation, some continued training, independence, opportunity to try new things, some direction, recognition of good performance

Mentor Style:  Share responsibility for problem identification and goal setting; ask the individual to take the lead in action planning and problem-solving; serve as a sounding board, encouraging the individual to discuss concerns and ideas; explain ways to make the goal or task more interesting and challenging if motivation is low; provide help when asked; listen and encourage self-reliant problem-solving and decision-making; work with the individual to evaluate his or her work

D.  Completed (Ordained)

Strengths:  Mastered the task, demonstrate professional abilities in all phases of ministry, confident, independent, enthusiastic, has ownership, potential mentor

Needs:  Challenge, trust, opportunity, recognition, vision/mission, infrequent feedback, realistic compensation for his work

Mentor Style:  Enable the individual to take charge; expect the individual to take the lead in goal setting, action planning and decision-making; encourage the individual to evaluate his or her own work; provide opportunities to share in and celebrate successes and mentor others; recognize, value and reward the individual’s contributions to the organization; challenge the individual to even higher levels of performance



Studies at the local churches as well as Harmony headquarters
Practical experience through service:

·    Local Church
·    Harmony Headquarters
·    Mission Fields – Local, national and international
·    Involvement in Harmony recognized outreaches:
     o    Local events – schools, other churches, other organizations
     o    National events – Safe Harbor events
     o    Harmony Conferences - Annual events
     o    International events – ministry trips

For individuals coming into the program from another organization or with prior ministry experience, many requirements may be waved.  For waiver, letters of recommendation providing testimony as to studies and/or experience are required, as well as a supervised probationary period of up to one (1) year after approval of a committee comprised of no less than three of the acting mentors
